Friday, July 24, 2015

2015 Internship Day 15: Whoa~ We're halfway there...

Whoa~ living on a prayer!

Yep, it's the halfway point of the internship. It's exciting, but kinda sad too. I'm really having fun at this internship. It's really fun, and I'm learning so much. The people in my lab are also really nice, and great. It's been a great three weeks.

Today I finished up researching the stars, then began collecting data in order to create a graph. I got the graph finished, but I want to double check to make sure I collected the correct data before I show it Joel. I'm sure its fine but better to be safe than sorry. For lunch I joined the rest of the interns for the normal volleyball and hotdogs and shish kebabs. The steak shish kebas were the best. (Thank you Matthieu!)

After lunch Kristina briefly met with Leander and I to talk a bit more about Outreach, It went well, and we are really creating some really fun projects. I look forward to what next week brings!

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